Tuesday, November 3rd is Election Day. It is an “off season” election which historically has a very low voter turnout. This off-season election is CRITICAL! Though we have no endorsed candidates in any of the races, WE NEED EVERY MEMBER TO VOTE! Please don't sit this one out. IT MATTERS!
NYSUT’s power comes from its membership - each one of us! With more than 600,000 members, our strongest weapon is our vote. Each of us MUST VOTE. Elected officials must see that in an off election year, when only 30% of the general population votes, NYSUT members come out in huge numbers. WE NEED EVERY MEMBER TO VOTE! Please don't sit this one out. IT MATTERS! Our attendance at the polls will be noticed at the state level. They will understand, by our actions, that if they do not support our issues that their job is at risk in 2016!!!! WE NEED EVERY MEMBER TO VOTE! Please don't sit this one out. IT MATTERS! Be sure to vote on Tuesday, November 3.
EWTA President,Ron Roaldsen, writes to keep you informed of the happenings in the EWTA as well as in public education; the mundane to the insane. Archives
September 2023
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East Williston Teachers' Association 11 Bacon Road Old Westbury, NY 11568 NYSUT #19-015 AFT #2624 |
Relaunched: July 1, 2023